The peoples court shall announce decisions provided in the proceeding two paragraphs in the creditors conference without further notification and public notice. 对于前二款规定的裁定,人民法院应当在债权人会议上宣布,无须另行通知和公告。
The Research Report of Intermediate People's Court of ChongQing Area in a Trial the Implementation of Streamlined Common Proceeding 重庆某中级人民法院辖区内普通程序简化审实施情况的调研报告
( law) a formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing. (法律)向法庭或法警提出的中断诉讼的正式通知。
The judge pronounced for me, and also said that my opponent should pay the court costs. I cannot vouch for the correctness of the transcript of proceeding. 法官宣判我胜诉,并且说对方负担诉讼费。我不能担保诉讼的官方记录是正确的。
Financial provision or adjustment of property rights ordered by a court for a spouse or child in divorce proceeding. 法院命令的,为离婚诉讼中一方配偶或孩子进行的经济上的提供或对财产权的调整。
In this instance the Court believed that further development of the facts in the context of a specific enforcement proceeding might aid judicial review. 在这种情况下,最高法院认为,在具体的强制执行程序中进一步发展事实会有益于司法复审。
The court concluded that the issue of whether the factories were covered should not be litigated in the subpoena enforcement proceeding; 法院作出结论,是否涵盖特定因素这一争议问题不应在传票执行诉讼中争讼;
The argument fees may be adjusted based on the complexity of the cases, separate quotation will be issued for cases involving court proceeding. 此费用只限于一般申辩及会因应案件的复杂程度而有所调整。另涉及法院程序的案件会根据个别律师的费用而定,我方将会预先通知。
The court has decided to stay the proceeding. 法庭已决定暂缓进行这诉讼程序。
The court may on the application either of the official receiver or of the bankrupt appoint a day for proceeding with a public examination which has been adjourned sine die. 法院应破产管理署署长或破产人的申请,可指定恢复进行曾被无限期押后的公开讯问的日期。
The law of the court is applied for the judicial proceeding in the enforcement of the ship's mortgage. 船舶抵押权实现中的诉讼程序适用法院地法。
The court proceeding is taken down in shorthand. 审判程序用速记记下。
In civil action, the low ratio of witness appearing in court is a sticking point that always puzzles Chinese civil actions judicial proceeding. 而在大陆法系国家,对执行侦查任务的侦查人员能否出庭作证问题尚存在一定的争议。
Social participation in the mediation may be conducted prior to the litigation and prior to the court trial or during the court trial proceeding too. 社会力量参与调解既可以在诉前进行,也可以在开庭前或庭审程序中进行;
A State shall not be considered to have consented to the exercise of jurisdiction by a court of another State if its intervening in a proceeding or taking any other step is solely for the purpose of invoking immunity. 一个主权国家在另一国家成为某一诉讼的被告,若该被告国出庭的目的仅仅是为了主张豁免权,则不该被视为同意该法院地国的管辖。
Third, court decision inference is not only a pure law inference activity, but also a more complicated and comprehensive proceeding. 不仅是单纯的法律推理活动,更是复杂的综合性的论证过程。
There is only a set of court system in China, where no administrative court is established. The subsidiary issue of proceeding is not a structural one, but a specific legal system and operation issue. 我国只有一套法院系统,没有设立行政法院,诉讼中的附属问题不是一个结构性的问题,而是一个具体法律制度和操作层面上的问题。
Procuratorate and the court is the judicial organ. Strengthen the case guidance system between the two organs of communication and coordination to ensure the proceeding smoothly in case. 由于最高人民法院已经发布了三批指导性案例,检察院与法院同属司法机关,加强两个机关之间案例指导制度的沟通与协调才能保证案件的诉讼程序顺利开展。
The adjustment of judicature at wartime mainly included reduction of judicial jurisdiction, improvement of censorship and simplification of court proceeding. 战时司法制度的调整主要有司法管辖权缩小,检察制度改进,诉讼程序简化等方面。
The International Criminal Court Prosecutors start investigative proceeding marks the beginning of judicial preceding of the International Criminal Court, therefore, the international prosecutors in every case or situation would be particularly concerned by various parties. 国际刑事法院检察官启动调查程序标志着国际刑事法院诉讼程序的开始,因此,国际刑事法院检察官在每一起案件或情势中都会受到各方的特别关注。
When the court exercises the direction of proceeding power, it holds absolute right of decision interpretation of court only plays the role of hint, guidance, or inspiration for involved party, who make the ultimate decision. 法院行使诉讼指挥权时,具有绝对的决定权;法院的释明对当事人只是提示、指导、启发或引导的作用,最终的决定权属于当事人。
Pretrial custody is a kind of compulsory measure that suspects and defendants are deprived of their freedom and put in a certain place temporarily by the specialized agency according to law before the court judgment in order to ensure proceeding smoothly. 未决羁押是指为了确保诉讼程序顺利进行,在法院作出生效判决以前,由专门机关依法暂时将犯罪嫌疑人、被告人置于特定的场所,剥夺其人身自由的强制措施。
Each court must not be the same standard on the implement of Judges Assistant system. Proceeding from actual conditions, they can establish the model of trial with their own characteristics. 笔者认为各个法院实行法官助理制度,不能采取同一标准,应从各个法院的实际情况出发,构建自身特色的审判模式。
As the exception to the two-tier trial system, the procedure for review of death sentence is the only special court proceeding for death penalty case. 作为我国两审终审制例外的死刑复核程序,是一种仅适用于死刑案件的特殊审判程序。